Veterinary Products


Hepatone Liquid

Nutritional liver supplement for Poultry & Cattle

Composition Each 10 ml contains: Tricholine citrate 100 mg, Lysine Hcl 50 mg, DL Methionine 50 mg, Liver Extract 50 mg, Protein Hyrolysate 50 mg, Inositol 2 mg, Vitamin B12 4 mcg.


  • Corrects fatty liver syndrome.
  • Hepatone protects liver damage from myco toxins & bacterial toxins.
  • Improves fat metabolism to overcome fat deposition in liver.
  • Improves growth, F.C.R, Fertility, Hatchability & Egg production.
  • Provides additional nutrients in form of Protein tricholine citrate and vitamins facili-tates faster recovery from stress & all types of diseases.
  • Tone up micro flora in calves after deworming.

Feeding Recommendation Broiler: 0-2 weeks 5-20 ml, 3-6 weeks 15-20 ml
Growers & layers: 15-20 ml
Breeders: 50 ml
dosage as above for 100 birds for 5-7 days

Cow/Buffalo: 25 ml daily
Calves: 5 to 10 ml daily
Or as directed by Nutritionalist or Veterinarian

Presentation 500 ml, 1 Ltr & 5 Ltr.