Veterinary Products



Optimizing Normal Respiratory Functions.
Combination of Natural Essential Oils (eucalyptus, Menthol, Thymine, Ocimum Sanc-tum) with Emulsifiers liquid.

Composition Each 1000 ml contains: Eucalyptus oil 150 gm, Menthol 35 gm, Thymol 9 gm, Ocimum sanctum oil 5 gm, Turmeric oil 5 gm


  • Prevention and relief of respiratory symptoms & infections such as CRD, infection coryza etc.
  • Helps to liquefy thick & sticky mucous.
  • Reduces inflammation & dilates all respiratory passages as a result mucous gets ex-pelled.
  • Prevents post vaccination reactions & stress due to ND, IB vaccines.
  • Stimulates air, water & feed intake. This supports energy metabolism of birds Immunity Enhancer.

Feeding Recommendation As directed by Nutritionalist or Veterinarian

Presentation 1 Ltr. Aluminium Bottle