Veterinary Products



Enzymes with Probiotics Powder.
A novel combination of highly concentrated probiotics culture with Digestive Enzymes.

Composition Each kg contains : Alpha galactosidase 115000 IU, Amylase 345000 IU, Beta galatosidase 115000 IU, Cellulase 230000 IU, Glucanase 115000 IU, Lipase 230000 IU, Pectinase 230000 IU, Phytase 230000 IU, Protease 345000 IU, Xylanase 1150000 IU.


  • Feed Value Increases.
  • Better FCR & Optimum feed consumption.
  • Provides extra energy, extra utilization of nutrients.
  • Reduce wet droppings.
  • Birds become very healthy and active.
  • Improves health and immunity.
  • Prevents bacterial infection.
  • Improves disease resistance.

Feeding Recommendation Poultry feed: 500 gm/ton of feed continuously or advised by poultry consultant.

Presentation 1 kg.