Veterinary Products


Armour - A perfect immune enhancer

A unique combination of all the required Vitamins with Immunity enhancing Herbs

Composition Each 20 ml. contains: Vitamin E 60 mg, Vitamin C 75 mg, Amino Acids 150 mg, Omega fats 5 mg, Sodium Chloride 35 mg, Potasium Chloride 40 mg,Selenium 10 mcg, Manga-nese Sulphate 15 mg, (Amla, Phyllanthus Niruri &Withania Somnifera) 65 mg.


  • Provides strength to fight diseases.
  • Improves nutrient retention.
  • Counteracts stress and acts as a growth promoter.
  • Hastens sexual maturity.
  • Provides higher maternal antibodies.
  • Increases haemoglobin & Immunity of the body.

Feeding Recommendation As directed by Nutritionalist or Veterinarian

Presentation 500 ml, 1 Ltr & 5 Ltr.